Monday, July 12, 2010

The Louvre...

Ahh the Louvre...

I came to the Louvre in 2003 so it's great to come back and look at some of the art that I didn't get to last time. It's so big that you can't do it in one go or you will go mad, I hear.

I went first thing in the morning to beat the crowds which was a great idea. Most of the time I was wandering around in almost-empty rooms until it got nearer to lunchtime.

I head to the Richelieu wing as I seem to recall not going in this one last time (I think either Sully or Denon is the one with Mona Lisa in it although I might be wrong as I don't have the map in front of me). It seems to be one of the less-busy areas which is very welcome.

The first part of it is French sculpture, which is all lovely. It ranges from about the 17th century on so quite varied stuff.

Next is the Mesopotamian stuff. I love these statues (there are quite a few of them) although they do make you think a little bit that it's a shame they are not in their natural state in Mesopotamia-land (I think it is kind of Iraq, Iran and Syria now) but of course none of us would see it if it was there...Anyway this one is called the winged bull. v nice.

This looks like Egyptian writing although I suppose it must be Mesopotamian as it's in that section. Anyway it could be a shopping list for all we know but it looks awesome!!

Another one that maybe should be in its original spot but I suppose there is some reason for it not being there!! Don't mind a bit of stained glass though.

Up on the first floor it's the collection of French decorative arts from the middle ages to 19th century. Some really great stuff here, this is the kind of thing that is my favourite. This is Charlemagne in one of his earliest known representations (according to the tour guide I eavesdropped on).

Next it's on to Napoleon III's apartments which are beautifully laid out. This room is for his wife or girlfriend or something, some kind of salon or waiting room. This room really struck me as it looked so modern, although it is from the very early 19th century.

So I somehow find myself in the Sully wing in amongst the Egyptian stuff which is great. They do have a great collection here although maybe not quite as good as the British museum.

Look it's Akhenaten!! Remember him from 3 unit Ancient History anyone?? Oh well I do anyway, as I recall he was Tutankhamen's dad and made everyone change their religion to follow only one god Aten rather than the traditional polytheistic model of Egypt that we know and love. Very scandalous at the time and he was one of the ones where they scrubbed his name out in lots of the stones. You may know his wife Nefertiti more... cute! I suppose it is bad calling a god cute but I really love this one.

I accidentally stumble into the room with the Venus de Milo and work out where all the people are, they are all in this room. It's a bit horrible to think that for some people this is their only experience with the Louvre (as well as standing in front of the Mona Lisa and exclaiming about how small it is!). You know there are other things in here people!!!
I also went through the top floor which has a whole bunch of 17th and 18th century European paintings but they are the ones that are all dark so you can't see anything, or overly religious and just go over my head. Some nice Van Dycks though.
Also went down into the medieval Louvre for a glimpse at the original building...very insignificant compared with the massive building of today!
I was able to get out of there by lunchtime so it was a pretty good experience and not completely exhausting. Next time I go back I will be looking at the Denon wing for the Ancient Greek stuff!

1 comment:

  1. Cousin Cath in NewcastleJuly 13, 2010 at 3:43 PM

    Well, at least you got this done, even if there has been a heatwave and you've been unwell... I loved the stained glass, and Horus, and the Mesopotamian thingies.. :-)
